Halo pottery offers on going classes for adult. Each group becomes like a family you meet every week same day same time to create and develop in pottery making. What’s unique to Halo pottery is the variety of techniques you can take-Hand building/wheel throwing/ sculpting, you are not limited in one technique during the classes, you can choose to do one class on the wheel and the following with hand building. Hila the owner has been doing pottery the past 20 with great deal of experience and a lot of experience she will teach you and guide you through the process of making pottery to the glazing process. Hila is great with explaining every step, with giving the students confidence by teaching also how fix pieces if needed. At Halo pottery the fee covers for all materials, firings and glazing. You won’t need to buy or bring anything. Pottery is a great hobby, its calming, it’s centering and at the end of the way you are rewarded with the pieces you bring home.